
Guidelines for Inkscape (.SVG - scalable vector graphics) file uploading

  • Give appropriate short file name which will be going to display for artwork.
  • Select the category of artwork that is Inkscape.
  • Create a thumbnail image (displayed output) of artwork.
  • Keep  maximum size 650 x 650 px with 96 dpi in png / jpg format for thumbnail.
  • Upload Zip file which contains - SVG file template, font files, embedded or any supportive images.
  • It is better to add a document guide to get displayed output in ZIP.
Guidelines for GIMP (.XCF ) file uploading
  • Give appropriate short file name which will be going to display for artwork.
  • Select the category of artwork that is GIMP..
  • Create a thumbnail image (displayed output) of artwork.
  • Keep  maximum size 650 x 650 px with 96 dpi in png / jpg format for thumbnail.
  • Upload Zip file which contains - XCF file template, font files, embedded or any supportive images.
  • It is better to add a document guide to get displayed output in ZIP.
Guidelines for Scribus (.SLA) file uploading
  • Give appropriate short file name which will be going to display for artwork.
  • Select the category of artwork that is Scribus.
  • Create a thumbnail image (displayed output) of artwork.
  • Keep  maximum size 650 x 650 px with 96 dpi in png / jpg format for thumbnail.
  • Upload Zip file which contains - SLA file template, font files, embedded or any supportive images.
  • It is better to add a document guide to get displayed output in ZIP.